SRE/DevOps Engineer & Former Japanese Translator

picture of me


Sheffield University Queen Mary University of London
Japanese Studies BA Computer Science MSc
2:1 Honors (68%) Distinction (80%)

Interests and accomplishments:

  • Neural Machine Translation
  • Japanese to English translation
  • VR & Computer Graphics
  • Competitive Programming
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Embedded Systems
  • Functional Programming

JLPT N1 certified / Proficient Guitarist / Qualified Scuba Diver

Proficient in:

  • x86 ASM
  • C
  • C++
  • Python (Django/Flask/FastAPI)
  • JavaScript/TypeScript (React)
  • React Native
  • Node (Express)
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • Cloud (AWS)
  • Docker
  • CI/CD
  • DevOps